The staff and the people of the Gate of Heaven Chapel are here to serve our members and all others who
will benefit from our work.
Our ideology is one of “LOVE”, as we have been taught by our beloved Spirit Teachers, Abbess, Carmen,
Dr. Hermann, and the Seven Sisters: “Love means the acceptance of all living beings.”
With this in mind we reach out to You today in the hope that through faith in a Universal Creator we may
all come together in harmony, with joy and peace in our hearts, for the common good.
Gate of Heaven Chapel is a gathering place for individuals to come together as all people should, each free
to express their own opinions and ideas unencumbered by the restraints of dogma or social norms, so that
all who gather will have the opportunity to learn and grow. This allows for a Spritual Development based
on the Golden Rule: “ Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.”
All of us want to do our best to serve You, and together we are able to reach the highest form of our
earthly and spiritual life in the process of our Cosmic Becoming.
Gate of Heaven Chapel is a place where You will learn to understand the meaning of the truism:
We are not alone !”
Spiritualism is the Science, Philosophy and Religion of Continuous Life.
It is based upon the demonstrated fact of communication by means of Mediumship with those who live in
the Spirit World.
It is Science,
because it investigates, analyzes and classifies facts and manifestations demonstrated from the Spirit side
of Life.
It is Philosophy,
because it studies the Laws of Nature both on the seen and unseen sides of life and bases its conclusions
upon present observed facts. It accepts statements when sustained by reason and by results of observed facts
of the present day.
It is Religion,
because it strives to understand and to comply with the Physical, Mental and Spiritual Laws of Nature,
which are the "Laws of God."
A True Spiritualism is controlled communication with the World of Spirit. In Europe, uncontrolled contact
is called Spiritism, even though in Denmark the word "Spiritism" does mean controlled and true
Spiritualism does not depend on belief itself, but more on knowledge that has been manifested in all ages,
to men of all faith who understand that there can be communication between this and the Spirit World.
Spiritualism has distinct religious teachings and beliefs which, when accepted and followed, make you a
But to be a True Spiritualist you have to to be openminded, open for life experiences, dare to live your own
life and let others live theirs, follow your inner guide, and your inner Laws of Nature.
In other words; follow the Golden Rule:
" Do unto others as you would others do unto you "
and make the best out of your life and serve your brothers and sisters the best way you can. That's the way
to become a true Spiritualist and in that way you serve your God the best way.
A Medium is the one whose organism is sensitive to vibrations from the Spirit World. Through the instrumentality of Mediums, Intelligences from the Spirit World are able to produce the Phenomena of Spiritualism.
Spiritual Healing is as old as mankind. It is also recognised by the New Testament. It is the Power of the
Highest Conciousness that can operate in everything that is alive.
Healing Power is for everyone to reach, for everyone to work with, regardless of age, race, creed,
philosophy, or concept of religion.
Healing Power can reach and effect everything that has to do with the LAWS OF NATURE, and the most
wonderfull results can be achieved morally, intellectually and physically.
Healing Power does the work without earthly methods and medication, it has everything which can help to
find the balance in Life.
There is many ways to do the Spiritual Healing [Laying on of Hands, Absent Healing, etc.] but the most
important thing is that you understand that you are working with something that does not come from you,
but from The Highest. A human being is only a "tool."
Anyone can be a Healer, anywhere, independent of religions or belief.
A healer is the one who is willing to help, ready to help, and has the need to help and serve others.
Meditation is the way for Higher and Greater Awareness.
The meaning of Meditation is that we become more aware of responsibilities to ourselves and to mankind.
Through inner awareness and guidance which can be received through Spiritual communications, we are
more able to take and do the necessary actions with responsibility because of knowledge that life is
continuous and everything has a meaning.
There are many kinds of Meditation, but all have the common rule; to reach the inner Cosmic Awareness
of Consciousness for better understanding of continuous life and its meaning.
Through Meditation you can arrive at answers regarding such questions as: Who am I? Where am I in the
Great Plan of Eternity? Can I find and reach God? Am I part of God?
Meditation is a way to find answers through guidance, but also it can be a way to find inner peace and
strength to go on with this earhtly life.
who all come through Aulikki's Phenomenal Mediumship.
Fancing far away
where my heart still lives.
Way of dreams
day and night.
Gate of Heaven bent down
with golden stars,
there I’ll find Love,
Peace and my Heart.
It’s hiding most of all
of that Chapel old.
Peaceful place,
night and day.
There I want to go
with my dreams today.
Oh, dreams, I know,
you there will stay.
When I heard
the bells of Chapel ringing.
I felt softly touch in me.
Not before, first now,
I saw the Chapel
hidden there behind the gate.
Fancing far away,
there my heart still lives.
Voice of bells,
far from here.
Once I’m wandering there,
that I know today:
I’m walking through that Heaven's Gate.