Gate of Heaven Chapel ry
 Miehikkälä, Finland

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Gate of Heaven Chapel

is based on Mrs. Aulikki Plaami's medium ship. She is one of the most gifted trance mediums in the world and she is known as  Aulikki. Millions of people have seen her on TV and heard her on radio. Her performance in trance is something very rare and unusual. Please, do not let this opportunity slip by you. This may be your greatest step on your way to Spiritual Enlightenment.

Aulikki and Seppo

have more than twenty years of contact and experience with the Spirit World. They met in Finland in 1979. They were both working on the car-ferry between Finland and Sweden. Aulikki had problems with her back and neck after a car accident in the year 1973. Seppo gave acupressure treatments to one of Aulikki's colleagues and she told Aulikki about Seppo and his abilities. Seppo gave Aulikki a healing treatment, and after this amazing experience, Aulikki got well. She was completely healed after a treatment of 1 hour and 20 minutes. It was the beginning of a friendship that turned into marriage in the year 1981.

During years 1979-1984 friends from the Spirit world were preparing Aulikki to be a Medium. It was a complete change in her life. The first to come through was an Indian guide, then a Chinese doctor, and some singers from the past. It was a time full of wonders, but not always very easy for Aulikki. In 1984, both Aulkki and Seppo decided to dedicate their lives to this unusual and most wonderfull task, to be servants for both Earthly and Spirit worlds. Aulikki never had any musical training and is not musically inclined. She is not a singer unless she is in an altered state (which is called trance). This state is brought about when Seppo says an opening prayer.

Seppo is Aulikki's earthly control. He was taught how to do this when Spirit called him. Seppo is also the accompanist, or Maestro, for Carmen and the other Singers coming to us from the past. Seppo is clairaudient and is an accomplished medium in his own right. He hears music. Many of the greatest composers of all times who are now in the Spirit world, bring him the music and, through Aulikki, they bring texts and poets. Together they now have around 500 songs, two songbooks (English and Finnish) and ten cassettes in four languages (English, Finnish, German and Swedish), with more are coming.

The music that Aulikki and Seppo bring from the Spirit world is healing music. This Spiritual and Healing work they have been sharing with people all over the world.

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This is something that we 
really want to share with 
you. You did not find our 
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were guided to it. We have Meditation music, songs, speeches, seminars, etc., .
, etc.


Church founders Aulikki and Seppo Plaami

is a non-profit religious organization .

Gate of Heaven Chapel | Abbess is our spiritual leader from Saint Mary Chapel in spirit world | Dr. Hermann is a Spirit Doctor and Spirit Leader | Angel-girl Carmen from Spirit World | Gate of Heaven Chapel contact information | What's new going on in Gate of Heaven Chapel | Gate of Heaven Chapel offers free lectures and more |