My story, by Aulikki Plaami

I could never believe that I would one day become an Instrument, a Medium for the Spirit World, and an Ordained Minister of Kaariportti Ay in Tesjoki, Finland, and Gate of Heaven Chapel in California, USA. And not only that, but to think that the Spirits would begin to work through me. That would have been too much if somebody would have told me that seventeen years ago. Today it is very true and the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to me. I've always been a Christian. Almost all the people in Finland [more than 90% of the population] belong to the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland. It is a State Church. I am baptized, confirmed and married according to its rites and its dogma. I was not a very eager visitor in my Church, but I have always been very close to my God. I could never accept the existence of the Devil . God was for me the Highest . I always had my Guardian Angels with me, and the truth was very important for me. I said my prayers under my blanket in the evening and in the morning, so no one could see or hear me. Just God and me. If I was sad, if there was trouble, He always comforted me and never let me down. When I had pain, I was told (from Spirit) "put your hands over there where you have the pain, and suddenly the pain disappeared.

My mother has told me that as a baby I was just laying on my back babbling , playing with my hands, never crying. Everyone was just wondering how special and easy a baby I was. Today I understand that I had my God and Angels with me and also the knowledge that the Spirit World exists.
As a child I had a vision of something great and good that I would reach one day. It was like looking up to the sky and not one cloud covering the Light of Heaven. It was like waiting to see a Chapel, and time went by. When I was ten our family moved over to Sweden. New country, new language, new friends — a big change for a ten year-old-kid. Somehow I grew very close with my mother. She was my best friend and the one I could always trust; she tried to teach me the best way she could and she was always there when I needed her, listening and explaining, laughing or crying.
Today I know the explanation: she had time for me, and was interested about me, but also she was very lonely. She could not speak the language, so I began to be more than just a child, a daughter - I was also a kind of healing power for her, and she treated me as a friend. This great friendship is still lasting. We have been living together almost my whole life; she is a very important part of my life and I am gratefull that my husband feels the same way too. I can't even express how grateful I am. Lucky me!
She still is my best friend and I have in her a most trusted and dear person.
Five years in Sweden and that was enough for my Mother. She missed home so much that she went back to Finland. At that time I was 15. Again, a big change. I remember missing my school friends, but I also understood that Mother did not want to go back to Sweden anymore. So once again, new school, new friends, and also once again, language problems. Mother worked very hard to make a living, and she was happy to be close to her own mother, sisters, and brothers. It was not hard for me to understand and accept. One year later my brother came to visit us from Sweden and he swore to Mother that he would not stay in Finland any longer than 1 month. After that month he went back - but just to make things right, so he could come back to live with us. He had to serve in the Finnish Army soon after for eleven months, and Mother did work harder, but she never complained. She never asked anything for herself; she wanted to give everything to her children. Today my brother is happy to be in Finland with his family and we are happy to be with Mother in the U.S. She is the Vice-President of our Church. She truly deserves that title. Her life has been a kind of charity work, serving others through her whole life.

Father stayed in Sweden until he passed over in 1989. It took many years before Father and I met again. Mother was not able to live with my father; he was an alcoholic, quite selfish and never able to think of anyone or anything else but himself . He did not understand the meaning of giving. I visited him with Seppo a few times before his passing over. Last time we met he said to me, "Aulikki, I have nothing to apologize to anybody." That was his way of apologizing. At that moment, I knew that we would not meet again this way and somehow that goodbye moment with a hug was like begging from his side. "Pray for me if there is life after death, pray for me my child." Inside he knew the time was running out and that knowledge tried to tell him something, but because he was not able to understand what it was, it turned out as a kind of fear that closed him completely.
"Does my daughter know more, does she see my weakness, does she judge and if not her, does somebody else ? Does theSpirit World, after all, exist? Where is my place, Hell or Heaven?" I felt sorry for him. He had all the possibility for true understanding and a rich life but he chose blindness and poor life all the way through. All I was able to say was, "God bless you, and I will pray for you so one day you could be able to ask for forgiveness."
Simply, he was not a family man or a good father and he was not able to be a husband. He was not able to give anything to anybody. Today I can understand that he had to go through the experience of leaving his family but he did not learn his lesson in this world and that is what he took with him, I know one day he will learn his lesson too.
Now later, his brother has come to tell us from Spirit that Father has even learned to pray and that is something to know! Development has begun!

But back to my own story. I finished business school in 1960. I married straight after that, had a son in 1961, and divorced in 1963. My son and I stayed with my mother and she began to take care of him. My life was in ruins. I did not know what I wanted. I was running here and there, fighting and seeking to find my place. 1969, a new marriage; 1973, another divorce. I felt myself somehow broken and failed. Soon after my divorce I had a car accident. That was the beginning of more suffering and pain. Medical doctors could not help me; they just ordered more pain pills. I could not accept it! I was seeking help from chiropractors. That helped a little for a short time, and that time was needed to open my eyes and ears. The Psychic Growing was to begin. I began to hear and feel my Guardian Angels again. I did beg them, "Please let me find my place and bring me back my childhood vision of something good I can do or find. I can't do it by myself. Please help me!!"
Soon after, in 1975, I got a job in a car ferry between Finland and Sweden, Helsinki - Stockholm. Things began to work out economically, and we were able to buy a home. Suddenly everything began to work. One day I heard a voice when I was lighting my cigarette. "You don't need that anymore!" I thought Mother said that, but she was not there. It was enough for me. I put my cigarette away and I have not smoked since. I began to have my experiences with the Spirit World and understood that life goes on. Here are some experiences. Many times I wanted to visit my Uncle in the hospital. He had cancer. Mother visited him and told me not to go because he did look that bad and was very ill." It wouldn't be good for him if you would begin to cry," she said to me. So I agreed. The next night I woke up at 1AM and there he was standing by my bed. I was just getting up to speak to him but he disappeared. Next morning I told Mother that I will go and visit him the same day after my work. At lunch time I went home as usual and Mother's sister was there, crying and telling us that her husband passed over at 1AM. I felt sorry for my Aunt, but I was happy and grateful that my Uncle had come to say goodbye to me in this way. He must have known how much I wanted to go and see him , and because I couldn't make it, he came to me with the message: " Don't feel bad, feel happy. I come to tell you that life goes on ."

I have always had trouble with machines.They just stopped or refused to work if I came close to them. When I stepped away, or if someone else took over, everything was OK. Once my bookkeeping machine stopped; it was a Sunday at 3PM. I phoned Mother and we laughed about the machine. After the phone call I tried again and now the machine was working great. Two days later, when we arrived in Helsinki, I called Mother, as I always did, and she told me that my other Uncle had passed over that Sunday at 3PM. We both, Mother and me, knew; there was the message again.
In 1979 I met Seppo. One of my colleagues introduced us. Seppo had helped her with her pain and she was telling me that perhaps I could get help from him too. While we were speaking, Seppo came along and she said, “That’s him.” Funny thing was that when Seppo saw me, he had a thought that I could be his wife. However, he already was married at the time, so he was just laughing at himself for that stupid idea. I asked for help and he said that he couldn’t promise anything but, sure, he would try. So we agreed to meet after my work in my cabin. I asked my colleague to come with us because I was not sure what kind of treatment he might offer me.

So at midnight we all gathered together, but Seppo came before my friend got there. I was a kind of nervous and asked Seppo if he would like to have a glass of champagne before my friend arrived. Seppo’s answer was “No, thank you. I don’t use any alcohol at all.” It was very close that I didn’t drop the whole bottle on the floor, so surprised I was. It was the first time in my life that someone refused to have a drink. And it’s all the more unusual when you consider how much Finnish people love alcohol. That moment meant a lot to me, and I could feel that I could trust Seppo.
When my colleague came, Seppo began with the treatment. He was doing a kind of acupressure treatment, and it was very painful for me. He couldn’t do muchof it at the time and next morning I felt very painful. When Seppo saw me again, he suggested that he would like to try something else but without even touching me. I really felt that I could trust him. He looked like someone who really wanted to help. So we agreed to meet again at midnight. This time I did not need any “chaperon”; we were just alone.

Seppo told me to sit in front of him and keep my hands on my knees. Then he did put his hands over mine but he did not touch me. We did say a prayer together and after a while, five or ten minutes, I began to feel something going on in my ear. I could hear a voice and some noise, but I couldn’t understand the words. I told Seppo how I was feeling, and he told me not to worry, the healing was in process. I did not feel any kind of fear, I felt very safe and good. Then I saw three long needles (8-9 inch) and I know that there were Doctors who would be using those needles on me. They did prick the needles in above my left eyebrown all the way down to the right chin! No pain, but after a while I felt paralysed on my left side and I had some difficulty in telling Seppo about it. He also could see it, and the treatment went on. Now suddenly I could see three Doctors working on me and they went behind my back. Now was the time for chiropractic treatment. I could feel their thumbs working on my spinal column and I did feel and hear the cracking noise and had some difficulties to keep my body still. The treatment was not painful but strong. All this lasted 1 hour and 20 minutes.
Then Seppo said, “Now it’s over”, and we had a closing prayer. After that Seppo asked me to lift my hands, and I did, without any pain. He asked me to turn my head; I did, without difficulty or pain. I realized I didn’t have a headache anymore. Many years of suffering and pain were over. I was healed!!!

The most miraculous happening in my life took place that night. It also was for me a complete opening of spiritual understanding. I knew this was what I’d been waiting for. Next morning everybody kept asking me what happened and, happy and laughing I told them, “I am healed, a Miracle has happened.” I explained, but never asked them if they believed me. That was not important; the important thing was that I didn’t have the pain anymore!
But this was only the beginning. More wonders were to come!
Of course I felt Seppo as a kind of Guru and Holy Man and I wanted to hear everything about Healing and Spiritualism. He brought me books, and I tried to read them, but I soon found out that I could not go on with reading, no matter how much I tried, so he began to take me out to Spiritual Seances and other spiritual happenings and seminars. It was the beginning for my Spiritual Growth. Still it took three years before I was ready for this Spiritual work I now do. Those three years were not easy.I was a fighter and I could not understand or accept straight everything that was going on. Mostly I thought that I was going crazy.

During these three years I studied at the Finnish Commercial Institute as a private student and graduated 1984. At the same time our Spirit Friends was teaching me and graduated me spiritually also. I was now ready to be used by them to channel meaningsful information they wanted to give the world. I understood that it was meant for me to be an Instrument.
All my suffering, pain, and other experiences were needed and now I felt it very easy to understand and accept.
Those three years I won’t ever forget. How it was to see Spirit for the first time! How I felt to experience Trance for first time when a Spirit guide came trough! How the Chinese Doctors began to work through me! The Music and the Singers!
It’s impossible to put down everything in this little book but I’ll promise that, one day I will try to write a book in order to help others to grow and find their Spiritual Path, and make it perhaps a little easier for them to understand and accept. My Mother, Seppo and my son Juha were and still are my great supporters, as well as our friends from the Spirit World. They gave me the time I needed to accept and grow strong enough to do this Spiritual Work all over the world.

There are many, many others to whom I want to give my thanks for helping me and supporting us physically, mentally, and even economically. The list would be much too long, but some names I just have to write down:
Raili Virtanen, Aili Blom, Veikko Kaariainen, Elke Foerster, Herbert Foerster, Darlene Seymour, Bill Wood and Denise Seymour.


My story, by Seppo Plaami

Have you ever had experiences in your life when you felt you were not in the right place at the right time? I remember in my childhood when I felt too old or too young. Some life experiences brought things that I could not accept. As a lad I wanted to be like other children and fit in. Something inside of me told me I needed something else, something better. I tried to be "tough" but it didn't work. My mother wanted me to take part in a Pentecostal church in Finland, a Sunday school. There were things that I liked, such as my teacher who tried to teach us lads better habits and to bring us closer to the Lord and God. Every Sunday I went there with joy until the time came for the adult baptisms. Something happened that I could not understand or accept, so I gave my resignation and left that good community.

Again that inner feeling. I could not accept the dividing in goats and lambs. I began to see things around me differently, such as people judging other people. Something inside told me that there is no man who can judge another; that is in God’s hands. I had to go searching which enabled me to learn and experience many things. I came to understand that all religions forbid many allowances in the lives and rights of humans. I learned that everyone is sincerely seeking the good in mankind, that although we have our differences, we serve the same God, or Highest as we may use many different names. My mind began to work on finding the answer to what way would guarantee me a place in Heaven. Every religion is sure that it is the right one. Religions criticize each other but praise their own. Who could I believe?

I found the answer I was looking for through Aulikki and her abilities as an instrument. My Sunday school teacher came through Aulikki and I was able to talk to her. I told her it had been a long time since I had left the congregation. Her response was "so have I because here we have just one congregation and it's God's congregation."

Once I complained to the Abbess, one of the Spirit Guides, who works through Aulikki. I asked, "Why do we have to have so many different kinds of religions and congregations here on earth?" She answered, "This difference is needed. In everything, you can find something good, but you have to find your own belief and what makes you feel good, and that way is right. You have to think about your deeds and words, about what you do and say."

Aino, who is one of our esteemed Spirit Teachers, said once when she put our hands on the Bible, "This book has been used very wrongly. It has been used to justify each one of us. It was never meant to be used this way; it was meant to be a source for everyone to find the good things that we can do and speak of, and work out in our own lives for the best of all mankind." Our Great Leader Dr. Hermann completed by saying, "And that means all Holy Books."

Once when we were discussing everything between Heaven, Earth and Spirit, Carmen (our Angel Girl) came and added simply, "Less talk, more deeds."

I remember also one very special experience that happened in our former home and chapel in Tesjoki, Finland. Every morning we had a morning service. I always used to read something from the Bible, which had been asked of me by those in the spirit world. I had never really been a Bible reader but after a while I felt that I was developing a deeper and deeper interest. It began to become a part of me, and suddenly I felt unfit for this purpose. My relatives were always there and I thought that they knew what I was really like, and this began to be a problem for me. I asked Dr. Hermann for a private session where I explained my problem to him. He said to me, my friend, don't try to make a Saint out of yourself. You won't succeed with it anyhow." At that moment I understood what I was doing; I was trying to hide behind the Bible, carrying it with me, trying to justify to others and making a Saint out of myself. Like preaching a kind of new doctrine than I had discovered myself . That would have been just like the various other religions and congregations that we already have. After this experience I have never had a problem reading the Bible, I get more out of it each time I read from it and I understand that it is the right way to read Bible; to work on and learn new things in our life. We have had positive daily contact with the spirit world for 15 years, and everyone that we communicate with has always comforted and supported us, bringing us hope, courage, and most importantly the message that life goes on.

Through Spirit we have been in contact with our relatives and loved ones. The message they bring is that they are happy and living in the Real World.This world we live in is the world of shadows. It doesn't have to be this way.We are able to find and understand what is important and has value for us because this is what we will take with us one day: the spiritual consciousness of all life living, greater awareness of the good, and the ability to work for the benefit of all people. Have faith and believe in yourself. When belief becomes knowledge, then it makes us free, it guides us to find the path that gives us the meaning of life and helps us grow stronger as human beings on our way and process of cosmic becoming .


What a Wonderfull Live by Liisa, Aulikki's Mother.

I have always known that there is something higher and divine. But also I have always been shy. I was afraid of what other people might think and say, and perhaps even laugh at me and my ideas.

I was a night dreamer. As a child, I already could tell and explain my night dreams. There were no limits: my dreams touched family members, relatives, neighbors. Some dreams were not always the nicest ones and some even brought fear. But the dreams were there and I knew there was a source that existed somewhere: And there was more. Gradually, I began to be aware of the Highest Infinite Intelligence.

When my daughter, Aulikki, told me the first time about her mediumship I was ready to take part in the seance. The very first contact with the Spirit World made me very sure and I told my daughter,"I know you as my daughter, and I know that this does not come from you; this comes from God and from His Highest Consciousness."

I was able to take part in the whole development Aulikki went through. It was very magnificent and amazing. You could see little be little how they from Spirit World began to be able to use her more and more. First the Indian Guide, then the Chinese Doctors, Abbess, Aino and other Singers. Dr. Hermann, Carmen and many relatives, Guides, and Masters. Once when I asked how this could be explained and why we received the gift and honor of being selected, the answer was simply, "Why should you not?" To see how the Spirit did do the "cleaning" with Aulikkis' body was frightening me. I did not understand that some kind of cleansing would be necessary. Aulikki began to have problems eating anything; her intestine refused to work correctly. She could not eat, she lost weight, her hair started falling out, I was sure that she was going to die. Then one day after six months a very good friend of Aulikki and Seppo came over and he began to do healing on Aulikki. They were sitting together in the living room and I was in the kitchen. Suddenly I heard my daughter speaking, saying that she can see the Spirit Doctors and she explained what they did. I was sure now she was going to die. Later the same day she had a horrible pain in the stomach, but in the morning the pain was gone and she felt hungry. Six months of fear and horror was blown away, she was healthy again.

My own back was very bad, the reason I got pensioned. The Spirit Doctors gave me a chiropractic treatment: two days after that I could not move, only crawl and trembling. Third day everything was okay, I was completely healed!!!

I remember once when they from Spirit brought the words to music and I was looking. The one who tried to write it down did use Aulikkis' left hand and wrote MIRROR WRITING (you could not read it without a mirror). It looked difficult so I said that I would help if they let me do it. I was granted permission and since then I have felt it as my blessed task.

I tried always to encourage Aulikki with her mediumship. I knew it was not easy, but I also knew that all that came through was a GIFT FROM GOD, a GIFT OF GRACE. That is how I still see it and I know my daughter feels that way too. And to be a part in this valuable task is an honor. To assist Aulikki, and to stay beside my daughter, has been my life's greatest and most pleasant duty.

Our Music

Our music is the music that we received from the Spirit World. Seppo is clairaudient; he hears the music and he writes it down in notes. The Spirit composer listens and if needed corrects it himself or with help from Carmen, the Angel Girl. When music is ready we then get the words. Mostly it is Carmen who does it, but sometimes even the poet or writer does. When the whole song is ready, it's time to begin to work it out with the Medium/Instrument, Aulikki. Carmen is the one who begins with the practicing; she is the most important Control between the Spirit Singers and the Medium. If ever the singer looses the contact with the Medium then Carmen takes over. In the beginning, before Carmen, there was Aino, an opera singer, a famous one in Finland, who had passed over in early 1940's. She was the first control as well as the first singer who came through Aulikki. She brought the words, she allowed the writers, poets, and also singers to come through if that was safe for the Medium. Now she works as a "Mother" who supervises all to make sure everything works just fine!

Here is how the “creation” of our music had its genesis. First we got words in Finnish — only in the Finnish language. Aulikki's mother Liisa had the privilege to write the words down, and she was very proud and honored to do it. And later, when we began to get songs in different languages and because Liisa does not speak any language other than Finnish, Carmen took over. But whenever words for songs are given to us in Finnish, Liisa will do the writing of these.

Our music work can really be called teamwork between the Spirit World and us.Today we have, a repertoire of approximately 500 pieces, 400 of which have words; of these, maybe 100 are in some other languages — English, German and Swedish.

Music is the most wonderful gift we ever got and we just wish that we are able to go on with it because, as we have been told, it is meant for everyone who is able to receive it and is sensitive to the vibrations from the Spirit World to understand their message:


Seppo's Column

I got my first composition when I was only 7 years old. It's a very simple but beautiful lullaby melody. Of course at that time I was not thinking about who gave it to me, or where did it come from. It was clear to me, I got it!
My first instrument was a guitar and Mother was my teacher. At my seventeenth birthday I tried two different instruments, trombone and bass. At eighteen I got my first vibraphone and it began to be my instrument of choice for ten years time. In 1960, it was the time for piano. I had my first band in 1961. I knew then that my profession was to be a musician. The most successful and active time was between 1965-1972. It was a busy time. I also worked nights and traveled a round a lot, so I needed to slow down. That’s why I took a job as a sales manager with a music company. And whenever somebody needed an accompanist, there I was again. But never ever did I have a dream or even a sligtest thought over what was waiting for me: to be a composer for the Spirits and an accompanist for the Spirit Singers. And may I say this to you; THIS IS MORE THAN A DREAM JOB, THIS IS A BLESSING!

Before I met Aulikki many mediums told me that I will get music from the Spirit World and that famous composers from the past would begin to work with me. This was really something that went over my head. Even though I knew something about Spirits and Spiritualism, still it was too much. I understood in a way that a Spirit Guide can help and guide a composer, painter or whoever but they who had been famous composers here on earth some time before should come and work with me, giving me music! Ha! I just laughed.
However, when in nearly every seance, really very famous mediums from England such as Hilda Martin, Doris Collins and Peter Abbot, brought this same message to me again and again, I began to be more serious about it. Finland's Spiritual Association held seances in Helsinki at Maria Chapel, and there a famous medium from Finland, Svea Richnau, came to me and her guide "Magdalena" brought me a personality from Spirit called "Aino". Aino became to be one of the most important contacts through Aulikki's mediumship. She was the one who prepared Aulikki to be ready for the Singers from the Past. She brought the words for a song called "Sielun Peili"- in English, " The Mirror of the Soul".
The first time I met Aulikki was in the beginning of December, 1979. When I saw her it went through in my mind that she could be my wife! I was laughing inside me because I was married at the time to my former wife, but our marriage was already out of balance, and so was I. What I most wanted was peace and to be alone. That was the reason why I worked on board the car-ferry between Finland and Sweden where Aulikki was also working .I was the show manager and Aulikki was the head waiter and wine cashier.

There we met and Aulikki was asking for help because of her problem with her back and neck. I said that I can't promise anything but I will try and do my best. I couldn't even dream about what really was to happen. In front of my eyes she got the help through the healing.

I was told later by the Psychics and Mediums that it was meant this way and that Aulikki came from the Great White Brotherhood and she had an important task to do here. Clairvoyant Helmi Lehtinen, in Helsinki, said "She is much more mediumistic than you." And we were both laughing. She was a great clairvoyant and all that she told me she surely got from the Spirit World. She told about things that nobody could know at the time, but after a while everything just cleared up, and it was not only about Aulikki, it was also something from my childhood and about my teacher in college. He had during his earthly years changed his religion to another, and later when I met his son, he did confirm that. So where could she pick that up if not from Spirit?

But back to the music. In 1980 I moved from Helsinki to Kotka. Sometimes I was playing with my keyboard and Aulikki's mother, Liisa, was singing with me, and we had an audience too, Aulikki. That time I got to know that Aulikki can't sing and has no musical training but she was a good listener.

Once when we were all together, Liisa, Aulikki and me, I just got the feeling that I have to do a song and Liisa said, "Let the name be "Onnellisten Satama" which means "The Harbor of the Happy Ones." When the music was ready, I was in contact with my good friend, Juha Vainio, a very talented composer and poet, and so I asked if he could do the words for it. He asked me for what purpose this music should be made, and I could not tell him, I simply did not know. Anyway he said,"Send it to me and we'll see what I can do." I never heard back from him and he passed over in 1992, but now we have contact with him again.

Anyway after a while Aulikki said that she would like to try to provide words if I would let her do it. She did, and that was without trance, but we know for sure today that she was helped by Spirit. The words were really beautiful. I mentioned this song to a choir group, Hyvan Tuulen Laulajat, and to its Director, Kalevi Ukkola. He listened to it and asked if I could do the arrangement for their choir. We did, and of course we were very happy about it. They did sing our song, which was dedicated to Aulikkis' mother Liisa, at their 10th anniversary and it was a success. Since then we have received words to songs through Aulikki's trance. We now have ten recorded cassettes all together. These are their titles:

Kaariportti*Kaariportti Meditation *Oppi ja Henkisyys *Katveessa Lehmuksen *Saat ruusuni mun Onnellisten Satama *Kultainen Lintu *Diamond Meditation *Gate of Heaven *Die Perlenkette*

Also we have made two songbooks:

Kaariportti, in Finnish, with 54 songs. Gate of Heaven, in English, with 13 songs.

How the Spirits began to work through Aulikki is a long story but also an amazing story. It took three years before the singing part of this wonderful cooperation was ready for the public. Its debut happened on December 16, 1984 through TV 2 in Finland on a 2 1/2 -hour television program called KAARIPORTTI. That was a sensation. It was a big happening and a giant step for Spiritualism in Finland. After that more people began to come out from the silence and a kind of open talk with different kind of opinions began to take place.

That was the beginning for more open conversation in public. It was like each one in Finland wanted to express their own opinion in one way or another. All newspapers were writing about and it began to be an open subject on radio too. It was a big opening for something that has been taboo and mystical, forbidden and frightening. That "Kaariportti" program was needed to make it all happen. We had to be kind of Missionary workers and we are more than happy to be the ones initiating this Spiritual renaissance in Finland. And it looks like this Missionary work still goes on now with the GATE OF HEAVEN CHAPEL in the USA.

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